Thursday, March 24, 2011

4 Months Cont.

Today was Cecelia's 4 Month Well Baby Visit.  She was pretty tired to begin with so she wasn't the happiest baby, but she could have been far worse.

Here are her stats.

Weight: 12lbs 12.5oz (25-50%)
Length: 24in (!) (50%)
Head Circumference: 15in (50%)

She also ate 15oz in 3 hours today, so Dr. H gave us the go ahead to "start" solids, good thing since I made all of sweet potatoes and bananas.  

No more swaddle.  Dr. H told me a horror story of her son and a swaddling mishap.  She said since she can "Houdini" herself out that its just not safe anymore, so we're trying it for the 2nd night tonight.  Last night was a total fail, but since we did Cry It Out tonight (I don't care to elaborate on Crying It Out b/c it makes me sad) she isn't doing bad at all.  I however, am not doing well. 

Here is the result of Cry It Out the first night.  As you can see, it drove me to drink.

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