Here are her stats.
Weight: 12lbs 12.5oz (25-50%)
Length: 24in (!) (50%)
Head Circumference: 15in (50%)
She also ate 15oz in 3 hours today, so Dr. H gave us the go ahead to "start" solids, good thing since I made all of sweet potatoes and bananas.
No more swaddle. Dr. H told me a horror story of her son and a swaddling mishap. She said since she can "Houdini" herself out that its just not safe anymore, so we're trying it for the 2nd night tonight. Last night was a total fail, but since we did Cry It Out tonight (I don't care to elaborate on Crying It Out b/c it makes me sad) she isn't doing bad at all. I however, am not doing well.
Here is the result of Cry It Out the first night. As you can see, it drove me to drink.
Aw! It will get better, it just takes time!