1. Cloth Diapers
2. Grey's Anatomy.
First, I start with CD's.
I can't stop buying them. I am certain I will put us in the poor house with all the CD's I am buying. But who can say no to such cute fluff? I can't, that's for sure.
I really love bumGenius and Charlie Banana's, but today, I bought the Flip System. I like the idea of the hybrid diapering system, and I really liked the price, too! ($16.95!)
I bought this bumGenius in the Butternut color
and this Flip System in Grasshopper Green, with hook and loop closure instead of snaps
Look at that cute fluff! I think people who can resist buying CD's are strong. A lot stronger than me!
My number 2 obsession is Grey's. I can't stop watching it. I know, I know. I am behind and only on the 3rd season! But, HOLY CRAP! Intense is all I have to say. I sobbed uncontrollably during season 2's finale. (If you watch and forgot what I'm talking about, all I'm going to say is Denny. That should refresh your memory)
I think that watching Grey's should be a law. It's that good.
And my 3rd obsession (which I didn't list, b/c you should all know.)
Cecelia. I can't get enough of her sweet, slobbery, chubby face. I spend pretty much all day nom-ing on her sweet, slobbery, chubby face and I can't stop.
You know what also rocks my socks off? Cecelia and her cute butt in CD's and the fact that my daughter watches Grey's with me. LOVE.
She love it. When its on, she can't stop watching. When I turn it off and do something else on the computer, she looses all interest. I've created a monster, and I love it.
Also, here are those cheeks I was just talking out.