Thursday, January 27, 2011

2 Month appointment

Cecelia had her 2 month appointment today.  We knew what we were up for before going in...shots.  I hate when she gets shots.  Like every parent seeing your child cry makes your heart hurt (your head, too. But lets save that for another day, shall we?)  She had to get 2 of them and you would have thought someone just punched her in the face.  I've never heard cries like that come out of her little lungs.  I foresee a drama queen in our future.

Weight: 9.12lbs (25-50%)
Length: 21.4in.  (25-50%)

She's also been extremely gassy lately which means I have to cut dairy out of my diet (this is where I start crying).  I'm not breastfeeding as much as when she was younger, however, even though I am still actually doing it, dairy has to go for 72 hours to make sure she doesn't have a cow milk sensitivity.  We also had to switch her formula to Soy.

How will I live with out dairy? I mean I have to do it, and it is for only 72 hours...but I really really love cheese.  I hope I make it through the next three days.

And because I show off my daughter here are some pictures from today.
This face cracks me up

snuggles with daddy

Before I got the shots


  1. what a big girl! gosh, she's SO cute! I know I say that every time, but seriously. our kids would be adorable together :P

    Love the hat!

  2. She is so adorable! To give you a little hope Mark cried this heartbreaking cry at his 2 month shots and made me cry, we just had his 4 month shots yesterday and he gave a tiny cry for like 5 seconds when he got the second shot and that was it.

  3. okay Megan! I am going to start posting my hats on Etsy!
