But I'm starting to get a little fed up with the looks I get from people when I tell them I cloth diaper (CD) Cecelia. I mean, really? Why is that so weird? I can see where people think cloth diapers, they think babies bleeding from being stabbed with safety pins and old school leaky plastic covers. But that is NOT how it is anymore! Yes, you can still get prefolds and can use pins, but there are now so many more options than that; All In Ones, All In 2's, Pockets, Hybrids, Fitteds and the list goes on!
And the BEST part? They're SO SO SO stinking cute!
Who can resist a cute little fluffy butt?
I sure can't!
What I think is that when people hear cloth diaper, they only think of poop, which we're parents, thats all we think about anyway. But, people don't think of the savings, and the waste that is being saved.
HERE is a calculator to show the savings you can occur by using CD's. I believe the average is about $3,000 for up to 2.5 years of wear, FOR ONE KID!!!!! Why wouldn't you want to save that money?
As far as waste goes, if a child gets changed 6 times a day for 2.5 years that is 5600 disposable diapers! Thats a crazy amount of diapers, all just getting dumped in a landfill. Crazy!
I know jumping into cloth diapering can be scary, but I'm tired of people giving me the side-eye. So I have one request, even if you don't have any intention of doing CD's at least read up on it and know that those of us who do choose to CD are not crazy!
HERE is a great place to start reading up on all the info that comes with CD's!